Wind Swept Bologna

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Many people having a physical disability may be experiencing increasing sensations of anxiety/stress due to the measures supposively needed to secure our national defenses [from whatever]. No problem allowing a moderate level of restrictions and cut backs to community/self help programs, but not to excess or to exceed the advancements in technology and the human/social fabric that such programs have addressed. Disabled persons support the government by paying their taxes, as well. It's not a free ride for any of us and the many of us do not remain supermen and women for life. We just keep trucking. The government must keep the younger generations of disabled persons with appropriate financial and method/training supports that was to previous populations.


At 2:22 PM, Blogger Aleah said...

WHo is this?

At 11:05 PM, Blogger L.;Gunther said...

Guess I was posing as an advocate for leaving some kind of trailblazing legacy that my friends and I realized during the initial ADA and civil rights hailstorm of the early '80s. But, Wow! The vigilence isn't over as young people come into adulthood and have their own realities and concepts based on a totally differnt set of circumstances. As I and others with our unique set of experiences [being physically disabled] become older, we seem to 'melt' into a retiring community fabric of just getting along with life.


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